About Level X

Level X is a brand of fitness, exercise, active lifestyle gear and accessories. The brand was developed and launched several months ago with the intent to create products that celebrate the spirit of individual and collaborative success. Success can, and is often defined by many different parameters, but there are those underlying elements that seem to be consistently present, such as persistence, determination, and mental toughness. Although, there are many additional characteristics that combine with the elements already mentioned that help to generate success in people’s lives.

The word “level” in the Level X brand represents achieving the next goal, the next objective, or whatever the milestone may be that leads to the next higher level result. Movement forward, achievement, or obtaining the objective all represent progress however large or small.

The “X” in the Level X brand stands for all of those seemingly intangible components that drive individuals to be better, to do more, to perform that extra little bit of effort that results in continual improvement on what they’ve already accomplished.  These traits are sometimes inherent in some individuals, and sometimes are developed through consistent effort. Either way, Level X individuals are continually progressing in some way, in small incremental steps, or with the occasion leaps and bounds toward their desired results.

These Level X individuals are found everywhere, in all sports, all industries, and in every community. They are the ones who are consistently making progress. Staying late, getting up early, setting the example of leadership, and results oriented activities.

The Level X brand was developed to celebrate, recognize, and support these success minded individuals, and their drive to consistently improve. Found in a wide variety of product categories ranging from fitness, to outdoor products, the Level X brand strives to provide high quality durable products. These products are developed to support people with improving their level of health and activity to better support their success driven activities.

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